The Secret To Coming Back Even Stronger After A Headache Relapse

We have all been there. Just when you think everything is going well, BOOM! a relapse happens but as we all know in life, 10% is actually what happens to you and 90% is how you react to it.

That being said, here are my essential 3 tools to help you overcome your latest headache relapse and come back even stronger than before.


Tool Number 1 – Connect With Your Why?

When you feel defeated and beaten down it’s easy to become lost, hence why connecting with your why is so important. What was your motivation to becoming headache free in the first place? Was it to be able to spend more quality time with your kids, to be able to travel the world and experience new cultures, or simply to have your freedom back again to follow your passions in life?

Whatever it was, take some time out to reconnect with it. Visualise yourself in that moment, how incredible it feels to have achieved your goal and to be living the life you have worked so hard for. Finding this within you will reignite the fire inside that you need to get back up again and keep fighting the good fight.

Tool Number 2 – Understand The Lesson

Here is a golden nugget of information to hang onto. Set backs are little pieces of the puzzle in disguise.

When something doesn’t go your way, 9 times out of 10 there is a reason for it, and your job in this crazy migraine game is to work out why it happened. Take some time out, grab your journal and start writing. Did you do something differently this week? Have you eaten different foods? How have you been feeling emotionally? Subconsciously is there something you are anxious about? Have you changed your sleep routine? Have you taken more medication than normal? How are you feeling emotionally?

Check in with yourself to understand what happened, because when you can understand what happened and why, there is always a lesson to be learned. 


Tool Number 3 – Apply The Lesson Moving Forward

Once you understand the lesson, you have another piece of the puzzle that will lead you towards overcoming your migraines and headaches. This time around you have an awareness of what to do differently. 

Armed with this piece of knowledge, you are now able to come back even stronger than before, more conscious than before and more capable than before. Maybe it’s a case of upping your self-care routine at busy points of the month, knowing when to put yourself first and say no to social events or it could even be as simple as walking away from confrontation. What ever it is, you are now armed to become your best self.

Set backs are crucial in order to grow, to succeed and to learn how to do something better next time. They are simply puzzle pieces that allow us to connect the dots.

Don’t fret, you have got this.

#Migraine #Strength #Courage #Determination #NeverGiveUp 






  1. I needed to read this today! I went to the doctor for what I thought was a concussion, but she confirmed that I’m not “crazy” and I have been having migraines for some time now. Thank G*d I found your blog!


    1. Ah I so glad this blog post helped you. I’m sorry to hear you have been suffering from migraines. I really hope some of the advice on my blog helps you overcome them. I am happy to connect if you would love to chat further? I spend most of my time on Instagram. @HopeVsHeadaches.


  2. I’ve been having a lot of clusters lately, darned if I know why, doesn’t seem to be rhyme or reason.
    At least they dont last long, but it’s the worst pain I’ve ever felt.
    Gentle hugs


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